Monday, January 3, 2011

Mossad Behind Slaughter of Egyptian Christians: Iran

by Rick Moran

Give them a "B+" for moxie but an "F" for originality; the official Iranian news agency is blaming the terrorist attack in Egypt that killed 21 Chirstians on - wait for it - the Israeli spy agency Mossad:

Although, at first glance, the finger is pointed at extremist Wahabi or Salafi groups, it goes without saying that no Muslim, whatever their political leanings may be, will ever commit such an inhumane act.

M'kay - so news travels slowly in that part of the world.

Attacks on churches in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Tunisia can be analyzed in the context of a Zionist scenario aimed at driving a wedge between Muslims and Arab Christians.

Since the emergence of Islam, Muslims and Christians in the East have always coexisted peacefully as Islam pays due respect to the freedom of divine faiths -- especially Christianity.

It's not hard for Middle Eastern Christians to be peaceful when they've got a boot on their neck.

The fresh plot by terrorists to target churches is an organized Zionist scenario aimed at creating a rift between Muslims and Christians.

Following its intelligence and security failures in Egypt and the apprehension of a number of Mossad agents by Egyptian intelligence apparatus, the Zionist regime of Israel is set to exact vengeance on the Egyptian nation.

For years, Israel and the United States have resorted to radical groups with no affiliation to divine faiths to carry out acts of terror against Christians in Islamic countries.

Based on this scenario, the Israeli regime urges deviant anti-religion groups to conduct terrorist operations against Christians.

These guys remind me of liberal bloggers; printing something with absolutely no proof and an analysis that any 4th grader could easily tear apart.

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised at this kind of nonsense. After all, President Ahmadinejad blames 9/11 on either Mossad or the US government, depending on what audience he is addressing. And this "analysis" will no doubt resonate with that sizable portion of Muslims who are conditioned to believe only the worst about Israel and the United States.

Still, if Iran ever wants to join other grown up nations, they better learn how to be a little more subtle in their propaganda, as well as adhering to standards that would demand at least one scintilla of evidence that what they are proposing is true.

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Rick Moran

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